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  More style changes May  9 2011  8:12 AM EST

Well, as you have not noticed since this is your first time here, the style has changed even more. CodeBlock has made numerous suggestions, which have for the most part have been implemented. I overwrite my own site's CSS with my own (the entire web, in fact), so hopefully it's less garish to you regular people ;)

Another suggestion was to move to an MVC framework. I know someone (or know of someone, rather) who uses Yesod, which is in Haskell. CodeBlock also mentioned Snap, also in Haskell, which to me has a nicer looking website. I guess I'll read more about that later.

In other news, I start my new job today doing various things. Let's hope I'm not fired. Anyway, I'll probably do more here later on today. Or I'll forget and come back next week. Something XD


My name is Jeff Chapman; You can reach me at: [email protected]