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  More advances to the code page July  9 2011  9:05 PM EST

The code page has seen numerous more improvements over the fast few hours. There was some URL restructuring, allowing more conform processing. The files command and the commits commands are both now at least partially implemented.

In case you didn't know, the code for this website is hosted right here, dsrv . I'll be taking the examples from there. The files command has been introduced, having a currently pretty basic display of files. It works both with files in the root of the repository such as dsrv's .gitignore file and with files nested arbitrarily deep as well, such as dsrv's default error page (if you ever see that displayed, please let me know :)).

The commits command can now show individual commits as well. For now, it just has the subject, relative date, and a roughly colored differential against its parent. For instance, this commit introduced (non-colored) diff dumping to the commit page. As you can see by that URL, it currently needs the full commit hash. If it is not 40 characters, it is assumed to be a branch which you want all the commits of. I want to change this to search for branches first, but default to looking at commits that may match. In most cases, you probably only need the first 7-8 characters of the diff to be unique. Because more commits may come in that have the same start, I'll need to have a disamiguation page in case a URL was unique and no longer is.

Well, I think that's pretty much all that's new in code page land :) Have a nice night, y'all.


My name is Jeff Chapman; You can reach me at: [email protected]