A paragraph :D !
This is roughly 223 lines of D code. This includes a standard header generation function along with the same for the footer, a basic CSS compacter and lots of error handling. So far the update sub-folder of this site is roughly another 100 or so lines. D is really awesome, the the only detriment to using it is the fact that the compiled binary is pretty hefty (~1.5 MiB O.o)
Most of the above is out of date haha ;). The entire shebang is now weighing in around 750 lines with several modules including the cool and upcoming code stuff. I just made a rewrite rule to redirect all non-home directory traffic here so I can figure out what to do with the PHP thing later.
Apparently, something defaults to requesting index.html or similar (according to the path we were given, sitemap.xml), which is why you are here and not on my post list. Since this CGI program handles everything without saying "404 - File not Found" you could get here in an infinite number of ways :D [barring limitations to URL length in the HTML standard, apache, or some limit on environment variable length imposed somewhere in POSIX or linux or somethnig ;)]
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