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  git-daemon and CGI June 17 2011  8:27 AM EST

First off, I've got git-daemon running here now. That means that all the repositories you see on the repository page can now be pull from with git. Let's say you want to clone pmmc . All you need to do is

git clone git://jachapmanii.net/pmmc

As always, if you'd like to send me a patch or your ssh key, I can add you to gitolite so you can clone through that and maybe get push access ;)

The other thing I would like to mention, is there are now two more repositories, both with CGI stuff in them.

This is some CGI stuff in D. It's nice because D has a url encoder and decoder utility function already. It also has nice things like built-in hash maps for the tag attributes and what have you.
This is some C++ CGI stuff, and what is currently being hacked on to get up to speed with DGI. I think I'm going to stick with this, as the binaries are immensely smaller

Quick note: While the repository page may not always be up to date (I'm working on getting post-update hooks to fix that), the actually cloning and pulling will always be up to date -- whether through git-daemon or gitolite.


My name is Jeff Chapman; You can reach me at: [email protected]